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A dev intro to Occiware

What is it about ?

The OCCIware project

You will find a clear and short explanation of the goals and inner workings of Occiware on the Occinterface Demo app page, in the “The OCCIware project” section.

Useful note for what follows : to download Slideshare presentations as .pdfs without an account, you may want to use something like Slidegrubber.

If you want to know more, the latest presentation on Occiware made by Marc Dutoo gives a good overview about what this is all about : Occiwareposs 2016 - An extensible standard xaas cloud consumer platform. In order to better understand the slides, you may want to watch the video of the presentation on Youtube.

You might also want to read the overall presentation by Marc Dutoo : Eclipsecon 2016 - Occiware, a cloud api to rule them all.

Watching the presentation’s video of Erocci that followed Marc Dutoo’s talk might help you to understand more about OCCI.

To better understand what OCCI is, the best thing to do would be to take a quick look at the specification of the norm.

What am I going to find on this website ?

This is the community website for OCCIware : it contains documentation for both users and developers, as well as other technical resources.

What are the Occiware framework components ?

You will find the many components of the project in the Github Organization. Below you will find a quick description for the core projects.


Throughout the documentation, you will see references to either CloudDesigner, Occiware Studio or Occi-Studio. Actually, these three terms refer to the very same piece of software : the flavor of Eclipse that makes up the Occiware framework.

Actually, the OCCI-Studio repository is for a future version of the studio, but for now all the current code is currently being held in the Ecore repository. The OCCI-Studio will actually be separated into several different projects, including itself and others like Docker-Studio to separate capabilities that are not directly related.

See the “Setting up the Environment” page to install it.


To put it simply, the MartServer is a headless implementation of the Occi-Studio : no Eclipse tools or bindings here. It is a “for-prod” project. It is a simpler Java equivalent to the Erocci Erlang implementation, though Erocci is more scalable thanks to the very nature of the Erlang language.